A blog about body image, dance, fitness, and positivity. Reflections on learning to love who you are right now and tips for working on changing things that no longer serve you on your journey.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Importance of Forks

The key to eating with nothing in your hands between bites is... not eating with your hands. You would not believe how fast I shoved some monkey bread down this morning, mostly because I was holding it in my hands while I ate.
Delicious Monkey Bread
But to be fair, look at that... Nom...

From now on, all food will go on a plate and I will use a utensil to eat it (except for popcorn -- I mean, come on). I need to do something to break the eating habits I have that are so ingrained I don't even think about them until it's too late. We went out to eat last night -- no bueno on the slow eating. I did make good choices, and I stopped eating when I was full, but I didn't even think about putting the fork down between bites. I'm thinking about tying my fingers together before I eat, just to remind me to slow down.

Progress report:
Combo 1, step 1: eating with empty hands -- 30%

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